Peer Mentor Groups and Counselling Service Team

Spinal Home Help peer mentor and counseling team offers a wealth of lived experience, and an enthusiasm for helping others with SCI, as well as their loved ones.

With a qualified counselor and therapist on board, the team is always ready to help.

Spinal Home Help – Gold Coast Connect Group

If you live on the Gold Coast and are struggling to adjust to life after spinal cord injury or just want someone to talk to, support is only around the corner.

The connect group will run in the 3rd week of each month.

Monday Group

The group will be for people with spinal cord injury only, to create a space that is patient-focused and aimed at sharing experiences dealing with an SCI from a personal perspective.

Wednesday Group

The group will provide a welcoming space for spouses, family, and friends to discuss their struggles and knowledge of experiencing a spinal cord injury second hand, to ask questions and to spend time with fellow carers.

Lourens Botha

0403 137 458

Lourens complements his background in psychology and counseling education with extensive experience in family, trauma, DV, and substance abuse counseling. He is committed to helping people with spinal cord injuries to lead meaningful lives and improve their relationships with spouses, family, and friends. Laurens has also sustained himself a C5 incomplete spinal cord injury in 2015 after a surgical misadventure.

Julie-Anne Botha

0430 390 051

Julie has a passion for helping spouses, family, and community members, as well as friends of people with a spinal cord injury to cope with the changes and new demands that they face.
As Lourens another half, she has lived the experience of being the spouse of someone with a spinal cord injury.
Julie also operates a Facebook support page for spouses of people with SCI